Crisis Communication

It all starts before anything bad – in your organization, your industry, or the world – ever happens. We help you create and maintain an up-to-date crisis communications plan. And we train your teams on that crisis plan. Planning is essential, crises unfurl rapidly and there isn’t much time to consider what to say or not say, tweet or not tweet … to all of your audiences.

During an emergency, a rapid response helps you regain some control. It inspires confidence. 

On the flip side, saying or doing the wrong thing can damage your organization’s reputation for a long, long time. Reputation is everything.

You’ve got to get “ahead of the story.” You don’t want anyone else to control the narrative. While being proactive with the media is imperative, you also can’t neglect key stakeholders — your employees, partners and customers, for instance. 

Let’s be real, this isn’t work that you will ever really want to do -

– and a crisis might never rock your world. But if or when it goes down, you will be glad you planned for it and that you know what to do – or what not to do.

A Crisis with Crock-Pot

“If something as functional yet ordinary as Crock-Pot can land in hot water, anyone or anything can. You have to be prepared with a crisis PR plan..”

“By George does a great job of being proactive and getting out ahead of what we need to communicate and determining which audiences we can speak most effectively to.”

-Bill Partin, President and CEO, Sharonview Federal Credit Union

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does this service entail?

    This service is about protecting and defending your brand and your reputation – your most important assets. We provide crisis communication planning and training. We help you 24/7 during a crisis event. And we guide you through the aftermath with your reputation still strong. We can be your crisis PR team, or we can work with your existing team to elevate your current crisis plan.

  • Dare I ask: what exactly do you mean by crisis?

    A crisis can be anything that requires a public response you weren’t expecting; it could be something that affects your reputation, your ability to operate or serve your customers. It could be something that affects the perception of your brand, even if your product or service didn’t cause the issue. We’ll help you through any and all of these scenarios, 24/7.

  • How do I know if I need this service?

    If you’ve read this far, give us a call to talk about it. You want to be proactive, not reactive. Once you decide this is something you want to plan for, you’ll have us as your on-call support when you need us, any hour of the day.

Don’t keep your stories waiting.

It’s our passion, By George. Now let’s make it happen.